

28 November 2016  04:36 PM

As it has always been expressed in Latin within the Western language: We’ve got a King And that kind of authority is not of a sudden occurrence kind; even less derived from an event occurred within the last couple of hours, which was the same time of duration of his most recent battle. Thirty one years of experience invested, 11 seasons in Formula 1, during which they occurred his 206 starts that comprise the pinnacle of his history, taking into account today’s race in Abu Dhabi. These are pure hard data to be inevitably considered, in order to reverence fully his kingdom conquered with a clean hit. Nico Rosberg blocked a campaign full of obstacles that he has learned to cross one by one. His brilliant crown has been carved with 9 victories in season 2016 – the longest, ever remembered with a racing program for this magic Formula- gathering a beautiful cluster of: nine victories, 8 pole positions; as well as the 6 fastest laps of the competition. And has been achieved through 1,147 laps hastily spinning, and 486 of them starting as leader (meaning 40.07% of 1,213 that have comprised the present tournament) therefore: becoming in “His highness”, he is now able to take self-satisfied his throne, with the biggest number of triumphs collected in a year. A driver had never taken that long before to make it to the top. Those 206 Grand Prix have come to a conclusion: he is the best, period. This way, he joins now to a selected choir of 33 world champions, counting from 1950. And so he has made it to the goal, to become the second driver in a family whose father has already enjoyed the sweet taste of such level victory. The current year had been masterfully prepared by Nico, since he had managed to win in Mexico on November 2015–before our eyes– a battle full of meaning. He did it again in Brazil and only two weeks after at the Emirate of Abu Dhabi; unsatisfied with those 3 victories: the extended his dominion to GP’s in: Australia, Bahrain, China and Russia 2016, which he relentlessly won. What made us believe he was going toward the glory, he was not alone in the tournament and as it has been seen it was not a matter of hopping and stomping, but it was needed to grow some fins and dive in, and did he do it. His followers have increased, especially in Mexican territory. Everyone remembers it was here where he learned that the secret of joy is in that potion filled with the most unusual chimera: Yes, inside the “Canta y no llores”. White smoke, please everyone step aside, for with or without money, here is King. And he comes singing the Mexican way, to be recalled like a dream under his Mexican black sombrero charro. At the very “macho” style… The last Supreme is no longer here. Hail to the new World Monarch!